Food Conversation
Amazing Communities Together (ACT) are delighted to be working with the National Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) on the Food Conversation which is scaling up. The FFCC wants to increase the reach of this important work by enabling many conversations to take place at different scales and in different places across the UK, including the voices of a diverse range of people and organisations, to strengthen the call for change. Members of ACT have been invited to host six of these conversations in their local communities.
ACT will run a special Time To ACT on the 15th of August to offer our members who are not running a community event the opportunity to take part in the Food Conversation. This will be a 90 minute session which will be recorded so that the FFCC can use parts of the conversation.
ACT Chair Ralph Rudden said: we are delighted to be forging links with the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission and we hope that this will be the start of an exciting and long term partnership