Knife Crime
Imrana Niazi
Imrana Niazi has been the chair of Palfrey Big Local in the West Midlands for 8 years.
She got involved during the first consultation, driven by her desire to create awareness around healthcare and patient rights after what she experienced during her father’s battle with pancreatic cancer.
In her own words, she has had to ‘fight a lot of battles’ to bring about change. Not easy when you realise, she has also acted as a carer for her mother, is bringing up two young children and living in a tight-knit predominantly Asian community, in which, in her words ‘it’s not considered normal to have a Muslim Hijabi as chair of any organisation’
More recently Imrana has been working as a worker at the Big Local.
Palfrey has been doing youth work since 2017 and works closely with West Midlands Police.